Friday, September 25, 2009

Will you pray for me?

I don't really feel like blogging, lol. But I guess I oughta post something, for the sake of having some semblance of consistency.

Yesterday at prayer an interesting thought occurred to me. I'm super blessed to be at KCM, and witnessing the power of prayer and faith in action pretty much daily. Prayer works, and I see it all the time. God does move in peoples lives and answer the prayers of His saints, and it's so obvious to me who gets to be an active part of a huge network of faith-filled believers daily. So anyway, I got to thinking about all of those people who don't really have much faith in prayer.. they don't really believe, it seems, that God legitimately moves today the same way He did 2000 years ago. But the thing is, these same people who don't really pray, don't really believe that prayers will make a difference, even maybe scoff at those who do... these are many of the same people that say things like "could you be praying for me" or "keep such-and-such in your prayers.." or "I'm just a-hopin' and prayin'".... now, to me, that's just silly. Why say you're gonna pray if you're not? and if you are, why pray if it's not gonna do anything? I feel like your time would be better spent reading a book (or whatever). How silly though, to act like prayer and petition are the most normal things (or at least the most normal things to say) and then in the next breath act like believing that your prayers have real and effective power is just plumb crazy. I say THAT's just plumb crazy. and hypocritical too, a bit.
So really I guess my argument here is, I'm not weird for taking God at His word and treating Him like a real person who cares about me and is an active part in my life and praying like my prayers will make a difference... You're stupid for acting like you believe God when you don't, treating God like He's some ineffectual idea, and praying (or saying you're going to, or asking someone else to) empty words that you don't even believe will be heard. What kind of sense does that make??

In other news, I still haven't got the character sketches for Bus Stop done. I'm going to knock out as many as possibly tonight.

Also, I went on a date the other night. It was fun :) Mark made us dinner and we watched a movie and ate by candle light and such clicheness. lol. Tiffanie pokes fun, but I think it was romantic. So yeah, good times :)

1 comment:

A poor white middle class soul said...

I feel you on the prayer thing.

I can never seem to pull of cliche things in cliche ways.