what a loaded question. I mean, it's pretty straight forward, but I've never found it easy to answer. Sometimes because, there's just so much that I don't really know... and sometimes because, even though I know exactly what I want to do, I don't know if I can articulate it with words, or even if i can, it's just hard to spit it out and just have it right out there in front of the world to pick at or whatever. So my answers tend to be broad and nonspecific rather than the alternative.
Anywaym someone asked me last night, What do you want to do with your life? *sigh* well... there's the somewhat arbitrary things; theatre, art, music, performance, speaking, teaching, learning, traveling, writing, creating, discovering, revolutionizing. I know most of those, while vague, don't sound arbitrary to most people. But they are. They could be anything. I say arbitrary because none of these are really what I want to do; they're just the means that I see myself using to do what is really at the core of all of these desires. And what is that? two things. #1-- to Love, and to be Loved. and #2-- to know the Truth, and to share it. These are the two things that I will spend the rest of my life pursuing, and the more I obtain them, the more I will have to obtain.
I mean, on the one hand it's a noble destiny, and inspiring, and self-perpetuating, and never lacking direction if nothing else. On the other hand, though theyre certainly not unattainable, they will always be more obtainable. Does that make any sense? you don't arrive with these goals. You continue in them. So sometimes, when it's not as clear to see the progress we've already made, all we can see is the infinite distance yet to go. And then when someone asks you like it's as simple as "what do you want to be when you grow up, Tommy?" ..it can be frustrating. It can be difficult. And it's stirring. To be sure, it's good to be stirred. The Word even tells us to stir ourselves up. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between "stirred up" and restless. And sometimes they're both there at the same time. I think I could use a little more stirring and a little less restless.
Let's get to work on that, shall we?
Prepping to be Primed
14 hours ago
I don't think it's possible to answer the question. It's like asking "Where will you end up?" 'cause I'm probably not going to "end up" anywhere. I'm not going to "end up" as a medical missionary to Africa; it's just one goal. It's a question meant to make you reflect on how you can put meaning in there, rather than going from day-to-day. How to live a genuinely "good" life. (These questions are what we deal with in my class where we're studying Aristotle)
I haven't been properly introduced to Socrates or Plato yet, but I'd like to meet them. But I'm liking Aristotle. He's a cool cat.
i know this is seriously corny, but something in me really wanted to respond "stirred, not shaken"
I like it ^_^
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