I missed my exit this morning. I was too busy trying to keep my eyes open to see that the exit i was passing was the one I needed to be on. ironically, the instant i realized that it was, I was wide awake. Joy. at that point, though, I had to keep driving until I could turn around... which ended up being in Rhome, TX. Needless to say, I sped like nobody's business to then make it to work on time. It was the grace of God (and perhaps the happenstance of the rain) that I didn't get pulled over, and a double portion of grace that I managed to not clock in late. I parked my car, didn't bother to lock it as i ran up the walkway (in heels. Praise the Lord that i happen to be wearing my easiest-to-run-in heels) and clocked in at exactly 6:00 a.m. with probably a whole 10 seconds to spare ;)
that's right, I live life on the edge! :p
Opening night last night went wonderfully. And for my part, I had everyone dressed, prepped, powdered and sprayed before the call for places and with time to spare! and they all looked good, of course ^_^
Every person has such a different face... i guess it's more obvious when you spend your time putting makeup on different faces. But honestly, everyone's faces is so different from anyone else's.. unique, i suppose. and working with other faces has also pointed out that i have [comparatively] a very high capability for wrinkles. Some people have very firm faces and virtually no wrinkles at all, even when they squish their face up. Aaron, for example, i have to create wrinkles on because his face has no lines! well, my face has an abundance of lines. ere go, I should probably take better care of my skin lest these wrinkles decide they might make themselves more visible in years to come. :p
British Lit midterm on Tuesday... guess we know how I'll be spending my weekend! doing laundry and studying when not at the show, and more studying in-between intermissions during the show. yup.
Going to the fair on monday!!! I'm so excited... totally worth skipping Speech class for. totally. :D
have a good weekend :) hopefully by monday I'll have accomplished much sleeping, shopping, and studying. we'll see ;)
Prepping to be Primed
13 hours ago
Gotta love conviction.
Turns out that I have a bunch of tests coming up too. Oh joy!
And I might be going swing dancing tonight. It's been too long.
yay swing dancing!
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