Today is October the 5th. When did that happen??
seriously, like, I just started school... didn't I? and now Bus Stop is opening this week? I mean, on the one hand it feels like we've been working on it forever... but on the other hand, it's like what on earth we have to perform this for real? already??
So it was an exciting weekend i suppose. I was gonna go to the fair but ended up not since it was raining on-and-off. I'd rather go on a day when I don't have to worry about rides shutting down and whatnot. SO instead I hung out at traci's for a bit with mark and traci and whitney (andrew was sick :/) and we went to Brooklyn's and then saw Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs in 3D. I have to admit, 3D is pretty whatever with me. wearing glasses through a whole movie isn't all that comfortable, and once you get used to it the 3D doesn't really add all that much to the experience. my personal opinion. But in any case, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was SO good! I honestly did not expect to be impressed, but there you have it. Best animated film I've seen in quite some time.
Dress rehearsals all this week for Bus Stop, and we open on Thursday. Tonight I figure out the hair and makeup situation with everybody, and who needs help and who doesn't. Shouldn't be too bad :) and then I need to start working on my audition for The Boxer ^_^ I'm really excited... Like, I'm really interested in The Boxer... really like the script and I think I'd do really well in it. We'll see what the director is really looking for at auditions I suppose, but I have a good feeling about it, and I have experience with choreography, so that's in my favor :)
Even if I don't get cast or called back, though, auditions for Dream are that same week and I think I'm equally excited about that. Jon Christie is directing it, and I think it's really gonna be a good show. The characters and the synopsis are pretty interesting, plus it's an ALT Lab show, and those are always interesting :p
Well anyway, that's what's going on with me. I better get back to work now... >_> lol
Prepping to be Primed
13 hours ago
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