well, maybe not all that, but this weekend was quite wonderful :)
Friday night was Bus Stop (which went well, of course) and afterward we went out to Cheddars. Tiffanie and Sam and Whitney came, and a good time was had by all (despite some little bit of drama with the roommate... she got over it. ):) I love my friends. After Cheddars, went and hung out at Mark's for awhile. Saturday am watched the first part of the UT-OU game at Mark's shindig... Texas had a rough start but they won in the end, which I guess is cool. Can't say that I would have been any more or less satisfied if it had gone the other way.. *shrug*
Saturday matinee went fine, super small crowd though. went home and cleaned and chilled a bit between performances, then back for the night show which my parents saw and enjoyed :D afterwards me, lindsey, jon, aaron, kelsey, and lexi went bowling. SOOO much fun ^_^ we all did quite terribly as far as scoring goes, but it was fun. Sunday morning Mark went to Northstar with me (I can't really give a whole lot of specifics about why, but suffice it to say, this is kindof a big deal). Service was super-good. It's good to be back, after a month and a half of crazy rehearsal schedules that included Sunday mornings. :D sunday matinee show was good, theres was a good note of finality at the end, and I got pictures with all the cast which will soon be on my facebook ^_^ After that I went to mom and dad's for dinner with the family, and a good time was had by all. By that time, though, I was pretty tired so I ended up skipping the cast party. Aaron is pretty disappointed that I didn't bring him his cigar, but he'll get over it :p
And now it's Monday. Nothing to really worry about this week but schoolwork, prepping for The Boxer auditions, and relaxing :D
God has been very good to us...
Prepping to be Primed
14 hours ago
I don't remember what all my letters said. I do remember that for one, I drew a picture of an unhappy marshmallow being roasted, and for the other, a boat called "S.S. Compliments" fishing for a fish. Both recipients were happy for the letter, but one was quite suspicious.
It's always good to come to an end of a good thing. Otherwise, it turns into a not-so-good thing. (I think that's what Jennifer Aniston said about Friends ending).
I also don't care about football, but parties can still be fun, and it's really funny to see people overreact to the game. On a related subject, I'm one of the mascots for my school now. My first job is in November.
oh, i care about football. just not the college variety. But i'm the first to admit that college games are more fun to be at.
mascot, fun! ...what IS jbu's mascot anyhow?
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