It's been really busy at work the last several days.. last week was crazy busy, with Sister Gloria on the Broadcast everyone wants to call in! When the youngsters are on their doesn't seem to be quite as much of a craze. No reflection on them of course.
*cough**cough*cough* ... *sneeze* *sneeze* ... *nose blow*
gross, right? that's been the last three days. today's infinitely better though. The last couple of days i basically kept coughing and sniffling and throat-clearing and nose-blowing and coughing and sneezing and coughing and everything just stayed the same. today I feel like my chest and throat and nose are actually clearing, quite a bit. I'm also drinking hot mint tea and that helps immensely. dumb sinuses... -.-
had a couple talks yesterday. cleared up some drama. no specifics. but it was beneficial :)
It is unreasonable that today is only Tuesday. I'm just saying. It ought to be at least Thursday. Seriously.
I was supposed to start my financial breakthrough kit yesterday. I didn't. I'm honestly making every effort not to procrastinate. I honestly am. sometimes things still have to be pushed back :/
I also watched Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog yesterday. (no, not wasting time. don't judge me on the order of my paragraphs) It was... interesting..
I wish more of my friends were bloggers. I'm not saying I want to go back to Xanga or anything... but it'd be nice to hear more people's thoughts from day to day. At least I think so.
almost to the 100th post. won't that be an occasion :p
Prepping to be Primed
1 hour ago
I'm getting some sniffles, but it's funny how many sneezes I hear in class. It reminds me of a Demitri Martin joke, "Sneezes are the same as earrings. One or two is okay, but eleven in a row is annoying."
If you ever want an opinion from the outside looking in, call/text me up, and I'll help with future drama.
I need to make more written posts. I forget to keep up with both vlog and blog. I barely ever get to write much these days, so I always enjoy it.
Haha, I learn new things from these guys every day. Teaching is the best way to learn, 'cause you have to learn what to teach.
Yeah, guys are stupid.
If you ever wanna throw off a crush, I can play the part of a fake long-distance boyfriend. That'd be fun. My friends once made a fake myspace page and got an acquaintance to try to go out with the fake myspace owner, and it ended up lasting for a few weeks without him finding out.
Classes are alright. I'm taking my first test for most classes this week. I've got two out of the way, with one more to go on friday.
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