so Colorado was wonderful. Lots of hiking, and relaxing, and nature, and a little bit of shopping... it was nice :) honestly though, by the end of the week I was ready to get back to the real world!
Collin theatre held the first auditions of the season for Bus Stop and Life Stories: A Musical Revue. I auditioned for Bus Stop, and got cast as an understudy. I really didn't expect to get called back, to be perfectly honest. I completely blanked in my prelim audition... yikes. But I got called back, and I didn't make the original cast, but I'm understudying for Cherie. Which I'm happy with. :)
Life has been hectic the last couple of weeks. Between work, class, rehearsal, outside character work and this ridiculous reading schedule my british lit prof is imposing, I'm having to work hard not to let my Word time and my sleep time go by the wayside. Weekends help alot with the sleeping part. Work helps with the Word part, though I do try not to let it depend on having time at work. Honestly though, sometimes at work is the only time that I get to my Bible in a day. It happens.
So Sylvia (my car) has been decommissioned. Her life was cut short :(
what happened was, Sunday night there was a police chase and the guy running from the cops hit my car, which was parked outside of my apartment. It was a shock to my system, but I made arrangements to get it taken care of and everything (with help). Yesterday the insurance people told us that it's been totalled. So basically... I'm out of a car for the moment. I have a rental until Monday, and I have two AMAZING friends who have already offered to let me borrow their car until I can get one of my own. I'm not worrying. I mean, yesterday, I definitely had a bit of a meltdown. The mourning for my car mixed with the "what am I going to do?" sentiment mixed with the "I was already trying to keep up this is not a good time for a change in plans" mixed with Lord even knows what else all kindof melded into a *fun* little crying spree. Naturally I had no desire to drive to school and flunk a British Lit quiz in that condition, so basically I skipped class and went to Mark's house and blubbered for awhile. Then I did my homework and sat down and wrote out all of what I have to work with, and we finished Defensive Driving (finally), and the world seemed a little lighter. Praise the Lord for good friends.
The bottom line is really, my hands have been emptier than this before; God took care of me then, and He'll do it again. Besides, He said He would provide all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus-- so now He gets to follow through on that. I mean I'm not being cocky and I'm not saying, "God, you better do this for me!" I'm just saying.. He said He would. So now He has to. It's His name that's on the line, really. So I can't wait to see what He gives me ^_^
Prepping to be Primed
1 hour ago
Sounds like you know how to deal with crap. Feel crappy for a lil' bit, take the necessary time out to deal with it, and give God the whole shabang.
Don't let that schedule of yours get too hectic. Don't be afraid of dropping something if you get too strained. I know you're smart enough, but I just wanted to remind you!
yeah :)
well, actually, i did drop voice lessons. More out of financial necessity than time-scheduling necessity, but it balances both. I'm keeping up :)
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