I've been going through some of my old posts today... its always so interesting to read one's own thoughts from times past. Some of the stuff i wrote i really like upon rereading it.. lyrics and whatnot. i kinda wonder why its been so long since i've written anything. maybe i just don't have enough down time.
you know what? I miss my Friths. yeah. just thought I might let you know that... :/
you know what else? I'm ready to not be having rehearsals every Sunday. It's really hard to go to a church whose earliest service is 10 am when you have to be at rehearsal at 11:30. blech.
so guess who slept through her alarm and was an hour and a half late for work this morning? yeah, me. I mean, it could just as easily have been Susan, but it was me. We got out of rehearsal exceptionally late last night and my body has been wanting for rest lately too, especially with this silly cold/thing my immune system is taking care of. So i guess my body just threw a fit and decided not to listen when my alarm went off this morning. I didn't wake up until Tiffanie woke up and was like "..Bekah? What are you doing here?" and I was like "OH, CRAP!!"
lol. so I'm working an extra hour and a half after my usual shift to make up. I'm here until 3:30. it's really weird not leaving at 2:00... I feel like I'm in detention or something, like i have to stay and talk to the teacher after all the other kids leave class :/ lol. I am grateful that they're letting me make up the time though, for sure. this is NOT to happen again.
emotions are confusing. Maybe that's why i try to just ignore them most of the time. "Emotions are footprints in the rain" ..interesting statement there. Good song though. Trainwreck by A Rotterdam November.
anyhow. yeah. confusing. Who needs 'em. and I don't wanta go up to some God-forsaken ranch in Montana.
Prepping to be Primed
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I like emotions. They're worth paying attention to.
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