I recently watched the movie Julie and Julia.. with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams (whom I find myself beginning to adore)
anyway, the movie is basically about Julie blogging about her life following in the footsteps of Julia, so to speak. It looked like such fun, it made me want to start blogging again. ..or, just reminded me. lol. not the London hasn't been reminding me anyway.
okay, for all you supplement-takers out there, do you ever burp sometime after taking vitamins, and it tastes like vitamins? I find this experience exceptionally unpleasant. Hello body, obviously if I wanted to taste the substances I'm consuming, I wouldn't be consuming them in pill form.
so three months. wow. For the sake of keeping the blog at a justifiable length, I'm going to try to do a basic recap for those of you who are interested in 100 words or less. here we go...
Alright. Last post was in May... since then there's been June, which I spent working at Dallas Young Artists, stage managing The King And I, and working with lots of incredibly talented young people, and an amazing production staff that I count myself privileged to have been a part of. At the same time I worked what hours I could at Roots and made some money :) Also in June I was hired as a CSR for Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and Jon and I decided to stop seeing eachother, romantically. The break was amicable, no worries.
Then comes July. July I started training at KCM, and loving every minute of it. It's a wonderful thing, to be right where you're supposed to be and know that you know that you're in the will of God. In a way, I feel like I'm being paid to go to Bible school. Part of my job is to have at least a somewhat comprehensive knowledge of KCM products and activities, so I spend my downtime between calls reading books, or the bible, or watching broadcasts, or recorded meetings, or staff chapels, or prayer... or bloggin, as it were. But what you put in is what you're gonna get back, quite literally. Did I mention that I'm a huge fan of this job? God takes such good care of me...
Some other things happened in July.. I moved into my new apartment.. developed friendships that were made at DYA some.. some other stuff.
August somehow is half over already... wild...
Alot of time has been taken up with working and getting settled in the new apartment and whatnot. Hanging out when I have the time... I've started working out regularly, except for last week when I was at the Southwest Believer's Convention as much as possible. I had a run-in with poison ivy, which has happened many many times past without so much as a red bump on me... this time it got into my skin though and the results were less than pleasant. The Lord healed me though, and my momma took care of me and gave me some stuffs to speed the process along. nice try, poison ivy.
That was more than 100 words I'm sure, but I've no actual desire to count. You'll hear more about August as it comes and goes. But that's it for now :)
Prepping to be Primed
1 hour ago
That paragraph about taking vitamins was a wonderful paragraph.
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