Thursday, August 13, 2009

Drink Up That Swimming Pool

I really enjoy C.S. Lewis' thoughts and writing. I could spend a whole afternoon browsing quotes from C.S. Lewis. In fact, yesterday, I very nearly did. Here's a few with an interesting thread..

"The surest way of spoiling a pleasure isd to start examining your satisfaction."
-C.S. Lewis
"The true enjoyments must be spontaneous and compulsive and look to no remoter end"
-C.S. Lewis
"Many things-- such as loving, going to sleep,, or behaving unaffectedly-- are done worst when we try hardest to do them."
-C.S. Lewis
So I'm not getting my car radio fixed right away-- gotta get the rest of it fixed up first :)
BUT.. I did get my dresser put together yesterday. I mean, it's not occupied as of yet, but it looks like a dresser.. baby steps, right? lol.
Leaving for Colorado tomorrow night... I haven't started packing yet.. oh boy.
Man... working at Kenneth Copeland Ministries... there are just so many resources all around me.. and not to mention the Bible which is bottomless, and the flood of new revelation that just keeps on acomin' lately... I don't even know where to start. I want to cover all of this, take it all in, but I just can't handle it all at once. It's like if I were thirsty, and I asked you for some water, and then you threw me into your swimming pool and said, "drink up". But then, God did say he would open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings such that we wouldn't have room to receive them. So I guess.... bring it on >:)

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