well. I'm all signed up for defensive driving at Golden Corral on August 29. 9am-3pm. yuck. but I'll follow it up with some CLUE action and all will be well :)
I located a place that can fix my CD player... It's gonna be a little 'spensive sounds like.. but we'll see ;) I have the favor of God.. maybe they'll look at it and be like, "oh. I can fix that. don't worry about it." lol. Anyway, I'm taking it in after work today... just gotta figure out where it is... :p
I didn't get my dresser put together. Not even close. BUT, I did take a nap. And go see G.I. Joe. Which was pretty darn awesome. Not quite up there with Iron Man, but it was going in the right direction and came fairly close :)
Next on my list, after getting my car fixed, is to:
A) track down what books I need for my classes and find out what day they actually start
B) file a change of address.. needs to be done.
C) make a dent in the long list of Terri Foy and Jeremy Pearsons teachings that I've been meaning to get my hands on... these might not actually happen in exactly this order. lol.
So I didn't have to iron any clothes this morning. Sooo nice. I actually got out of the house almost 10 minutes early :)
I've been reminded lately of something Billy Burke said at one of our KCM staff chapels a few months ago (I wasn't here for it, but it was one we were shown during training)
... He said something to the effect that, working in the ministry will pull out of you whatever you've got on the inside of you. Spiritual fruit will begin to manifest according to what seed you have been receiving-- but there's two sides of it. It wont be JUST patience, goodness, kindness, peace, etc. that manifests, it'll be whatevers inside of you. the good AND the bad, the glory AND the ugly. lol. I guess you could say we've seen some of that in me lately. I've been growing and filling up alot.. ALOT alot. But obviously there's some junk in there too, and what's in there is what's going to be manifest in my life. On the bright side of that, when it comes out is when you can deal with it, and find out where it's coming from, and pull it up by the roots. Fun stuff. Except, gardening is really not my pastime of choice...
Prepping to be Primed
1 hour ago
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