Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Draw Your Own Conclusions

So I just got off the phone with a man who wanted to know whether or not a person can lose their salvation. Is it once saved, always saved, or can you become un-saved?

We don't actually carry any products that answer that question specifically. We have plenty of products on salvation, what it means, what it entails, how do you get it, what do you do with it, why do you need it... But a doctrinal question like that, not really our focus. And this guy was so focused on getting an answer from Kenneth Copeland about whether or not a person can lose their salvation and why, he was so convinced that surely we would have a teaching over such a profound question.

I tried to explain to him that we're not going to be able to give him a yes or no answer.. that's not what we're about. You're bordering on philosophy there, and we don't get into philosophy, or debates. Our purpose as a teaching ministry is not to debate. It's to bring Christians from milk to meat, to teach believers to grow and mature in the Word. And if you're focused on whether or not you can lose your salvation, you're not focused on maturing in the Word. You know? So I explained this to him and said, I don't think you're going to be able to get a yes or no answer from Kenneth Copeland. And he said Kenneth already answered the question, he'd already said it, I just want to know why, how does he know, or something like that.

There's no pleasing that sort of person. They already have their answer but they want more of an answer. He wanted to know where in the Bible it talks about it, etc etc. Well, then the proper course of action if he cared so much about this one theological question would be to take all of this time and effort he's putting into finding out what one man thinks about it, and put that time and energy into looking into the Word himself and finding out for himself what it says about it. You know? Some people just want you to answer all their questions for them. And I mean, it's wise to learn what you can from other people. sure. But not to depend on someone else's knowledge for your own learning and/or satisfaction.

You have all the same resources we do. It's just easier for you if we use them for you.

1 comment:

A poor white middle class soul said...

Ah, the once-saved, always saved debate. Yep, doesn't really matter, best to avoid testing it.