I'm feeling all unproductive at the moment. But it's because all of my deskwork is done and I won't be given anything more to do until 9:30... and I have all this energy and things racing around my mind that need to be taken care of but can't be right at this second.
My new phone is on it's way. But I need to call AT&T asap and make sure they're not going to bill me because there's a spot on my screen that's not a crack and they made it sound like it's not physical damage but I'm not sure I'm feeling all iffy about it and if it is then theyre going to charge me $200 for returning a non-warrantied phone, when if they'd been straight and told me no you need to make an insurance claim I'd only be paying $50. So I'd rather just pay the $50 if need be and not have to worry about them being all "no! you returned a smashed up phone!!" but of course if it is covered by warranty, I'd just as soon get a free new phone. So I need to call and make sure. Asap.
The other thing that I want to have out of the way but can't do anything about yet is my tax return... it's still not in yet, but they said it looks like it should still be coming in their system, so if i don't have it by tomorrow to call back and ask again. I'm a little upset about this... see previous references to our government and it's efficiency (or lack thereof). All I'm saying is, I wish that I was in the position to stop them from taking any more pockets of the economy, just for the sake of anything at all ever getting done. *sigh*
On a happier note, Mark and I rented Adventureland last night. Definitely not the best movie in the world, but hanging out was way fun. I don't remember the last time we had that good a time just watching a movie together. This makes me happy :)
Prepping to be Primed
13 hours ago
Glad to see you blogging again. With spring break and Easter and such, I had taken a break too.
Singing lessons have been good. Honestly, we've only had a few, but I'm now much better at listening to myself. I used to concentrate more on the muscles in my vocal cords than on the sound of my voice. It's progress, however small.
for any interested.. at&t said that dark spot shouldn't be considered physical damage, and if they do try to charge me, i can just ship the phone back. word.
tax return still not in. if it's not there when i leave work, i'm going to borrow mark's phone this afternoon and call the IRS and be like "WHAT the gay? you owe me money." yup.
the IRS won't be sending my tax return until the end of May. Freakin ridiculous.
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