I've decided that New Year's resolutions can be made through the end of January and still be considered New Year's resolutions. lol. Mostly because I'm still feeling out new "resolutions".. things that I want to change or aim for in 2010.
So here we are, January 4, and I'm back at work. Still looking for a night job, but my expectations have changed somewhat. Rather than aiming to find a full-time job immediately and taking a full schedule of classes this semester, I'm looking for full-time or part-time at night (maybe waiting tables? it's not my first choice, but it's a possibility...) and planning on staying at KCM awhile longer. School can wait for one more semester, and I can be back full-steam next year without the pressure of debts and extra bills. So this is my get-myself-together semester. And, in the meantime, I can still work on design stuff, music, and hobbies.. maybe make some videos. :)
It wasn't my first choice course of action.. but that's alright. I'm still happy with it. For now.
And now, for the first time, I stop and think, "man. where did 2009 go?" Alot really did happen. And it wasn't a short year, at least for me. But half of it I hardly remember, or I can hardly believe it was the same me that lived those months. Ya know? And I can practically see 2010 going by in the blink of an eye. First the days are planned, then the weeks, then the months, and as I go through with things it's like the whole year is planned away and then finished off. But I trust God to make it more than that. He always does. With the Lord, my days will mean something, my weeks accomplish something, my months serve a purpose, and my year not go to waste. I'm excited. And I have no real idea of what to expect. But I'm thankful to be here for it, and to have people I love here with me for it. eeee! ^_^
Prepping to be Primed
13 hours ago
1 comment:
More happens than we had realized at first, especially when we look back at an entire year of activity. Time may be flying by, but when we're serving the Lord, He's flying faster.
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