So today's Thursday. But it doesn't seem like a Thursday. Yesterday felt like a Thursday, and today feels like it should be a Friday. And yet, it's structured just like a Wednesday, and considering I haven't got much to look forward to event-wise and the weekend's not here yet, it also feels like a Wednesday. So It's Friday, and Wednesday, but not Thursday. Now to some it might make sense that a Thursday is like a split between a Wednesday and a Friday; it's half-way between the two, right? Not at all. This Thursday is all Wednesday and all Friday, in the same way that Jesus is all God and all Man. I know, right? Don't worry. You'll recover.
So the annual invitation-only Ministers' Conference is going on this week at KCM, and Its quite the hubbub. Everybody who's anybody is there :p I was even there, for a couple of days, working registration. It was exciting :) And it's always nice to get out of my cubicle for a little while and get some fresh air :p
I cooked dinner last night for Mark and me.. and Tiffanie too, but she ended up not being home, lol. I made Famous Butter Baked Chicken (which turned out AMAZING, though I say it myself), and green bean casserole (which I made wrong but it still turned out pretty good), and mashed potatoes (instant, cause Mark likes that kind.. blech) and Garlic Facaccio bread. Alright alright, I bought the bread. But it was pretty tasty :) And chocolate chip cookies for dessert.. Walmart brand :p yummm. I'm pretty proud of myself. And it was fun. I felt all wifey :p
I got my car back yesterday. It sounds kinda funny so it might have to go back to the shop again... I hope not. Still haven't got that second job. Hunting has been on hold until I got Ariele back. Monday I start for real putting myself out there at all the restaurants and places in Lewisville around my apt. Gotta make that dough! And, I've got a feeling I'm not gonna last much longer without something to distract myself. Mark and Tiffanie and everyone else has started school now, and rehearsals are starting for Rumors at LCT and Little Women at CTC... It's going to be bad enough being artistically and socially starved for the next months without adding sitting around at home to my to-do list. I'd rather not have time to think about it. I'd rather spend my time trying to catch up with an over-filled plate than pining for what I would rather have on it. My resolve has been made, and there's no going back. You know what that means.. head-first, full speed ahead!
Prepping to be Primed
14 hours ago
I loathe fake potatoes. Yes that's what I call them. The dinner sounds like so much fun though, and I think that's so cute that you got it all made up for Mark.
You two are adorable.
As far as artistic starvation is concerned, you want to audition for Stephanie's show with me on Monday?
I'd love to.. I'd have loved to audition for Little Women, and Rumors (Neil Simon play that Jon's directing at LCT)... but I have to work. I'm working on getting a second job, and once that's acquired, I plan on basically working myself into the ground until I have all of my debt paid off (ASAP)and am financially stable. It's not fun, but it's smart. I only hope I can do it...
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