Jacob's back from his honeymoon. yay :) work is always more exciting when he's here.
Happy news: I do get to see The Boxer after all! They have a Saturday matinee this week and I don't, so you better believe I am THERE!! :D And I'm kinda excited.
Can I just say, I am a huge fan of Christmas music. Especially the kind that involves full choirs and/or violins and/or woodwinds of any kind. Yes. Win. I want to go caroling. I wish I were in a choir so that I could go caroling with a full choir lol. Actually, you know what I really want to do? I want to get a group together who can harmonize, like four or five people who can pull of carols well... maybe not professionals or anything, but well enough to sound nice and pretty... and go door-to-door caroling and raising money for a charity. That is what I really want to do. What better way to spread the spirit of the season? If only I could find the time and people and place to go... and if I could find a charity to do it for..... I think I'm gonna try :) And if I do it, I'd love to do it in costume ^_^ And if I can pull it off.. or maybe even if I can't pull it off this year... I'd like to make it an annual thing. :)
My laundry is in a rather desperate condition. Lol. I'm to the point where I'm rewearing my clothes :/
Guess I know what I'll be doing on my study breaks tonight :p
Speaking of study breaks, I now have two days left to somehow prepare myself for this British Lit final :/
I think I've pretty much given up on doing a research paper for extra credit and settled on writing poems or illustrations instead. The only good way I can think to do illustrations, though, is with paint... and I don't really have the supplies to do that. I suppose I could make a costume... Idk if Rasnic would accept that, though. For all his big talk about creativity and whatnot, he's kindof a square :/
Mmmm, coffee :)
Let's make my next job one that does not start before 7 am, eh? Unless it's Starbucks, in which case I will keep my insanity and still get up early. If I must. :p
Have I mentioned that I am SO ready to be done with my classes for this semester? I am SOOO ready. Then I can REALLY jump headlong into the holidays :D
Prepping to be Primed
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I wish I was good enough to be singing and harmonizing, but sadly, I haven't been through enough training yet. I can pretty much just tell when I'm off-key, which is most of the time. I'm thinking of taking some sort of singing class here with my extra hours from studying abroad.
My trick for laundry is to wear undershirts a lot. That way, I just buy a bunch of cheap shirts from Wal*Mart and wear them under normal clothes, so the normal clothes don't get dirty and can be easily reused.
I once persuaded my English teacher to let me write an Italian sonnet in lieu of a paper, and he let me.
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