For real. More job hunting today... gonna go put apps in at like a dozen different Starbucks in the Plano area. Looking at applying at Northpark and Firewheel malls too. Firewheel's not all that close to my apt or school, true, but I can always crash at Mark's if I need to, and if nothing else I could have a job there while I keep looking for a better one that's actually in Plano. I'm realllly hoping Destani calls me back about a nutrition coach position that I was almost offered but I couldn't start immediately. But now I can start immediately... just hoping it's not too late >_< ..If only I hadn't been under contract for Plaid at the time... but oh well. All things work together for the GOOD of those who love God. It's a good thing I did have that gig, or it would've been alot harder to make ends meet this month. Praise the Lord.
Anyway, be praying for me and my new employment, and soon! AND, I also want to hurry up and get the employment situation resolved so that I can a) start working out again, and b)start working on getting smaller gigs like photoshoots and Movie Extra gigs :)
Lord help me!
so yeah, this is what's been on my mind, mostly. Other than that there's New Year plans, which look like theyre not going to be all THAT exciting. But as long as I get to spend it with Mark I suppose I don't really care what we do. Thursday Jon Christie has a show of some sort that Lindsey wants me to go to. Well, we'll see. Also Uncle Matt and Aunt Jeanne and attached cousins are coming into town for New Years. Why, I have no earthly idea, but cool :) It'll be good to see them... hopefully I'll have the chance to bring Mark around for a dinner or something. I wonder if he gets tired of me dragging him over to my parents' house for such things. lol.
I get paid in two days, and none too soon. This traffic ticket has been at the back of my mind, and it's a tad expensive. Lord help me with that, too, please.
hmmm, what else? I haven't been all that productive lately to tell the truth. Everything else is kind of on the back burner until I find a job. Mark's been writing his book though, and that's exciting. :) It'll be the first one he's completed. And it's sounding really good so far :)
I get to see my roomie tonight! Probably not for very long, granted, 'cause I'll be freakin tired, but whatever. I get to see her and that makes me happy.
Oh, why aren't there 30 hours in a day?
Prepping to be Primed
2 hours ago
Mark is writing a book? What about?
Autumn is an assistant manager at Justice at Northpark.
It's called "The Cliche Times of Percival Black."
This is the first of a potential series... it's set in 1930's New York City, and it's basically about werewolves.
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