So tomorrow begins 2010. Golly. Not that long ago, 2010 seemed like so far away. It still kinda does, you know? I don't even know if I can keep track of this whole last year. Alot of people recap and commemorate at the end of the year, but that's always been a little hard for me. There are just so many directions, you know? Anyway..
What I CAN do is look forward. I've never much been one for New Year's resolutions, just because it seems whenever a New Year's resolution is made, it's already expected to be broken. But here are some goals, if you will. Things that I want to aim towards, directions that I want to move in.
I want to be more organized. Not that I'm disorganized; I keep track of things pretty well, mind you. But I would like to get into the habit of writing things down and checking my organizer regularly. That starts today.
This is sort-of like being more organized. I want to sit down and write out a specific budget for myself each month, and stick to it. I work on a pretty general budget right now that consists mostly of Get bills paid first, and Don't spend money I don't have. While that keeps me from getting in too much trouble, it doesn't do so well for saving money. So yeah. That too :)
I would like to have my car and student loan paid off and be working actively in the theatre field by the end of 2010. It looks like that's going to start with taking a semester off after all, working as much as possible, and just getting business done. (And eating lots of ramen in the meantime.) I also want to make a habit of working freelance modeling and film gigs (as an extra, or whatever). Just to get out there and broaden my scope a bit :)
Along somewhat of the same lines, I would like to have produced at least 3 music videos by the end of the year. Even if they don't end up going any farther than youtube, I need to start making something.
It is also my goal to have made at least one piece of furniture by the end of the year. I want furniture-making to be a long-term hobby of mine, so I've got to get started sometime.
Road Trip!! I WILL take at least one road trip this year. Even if I just drive to Tulsa or something equally as lame (Christmastime is the only time driving to Tulsa is not lame), I WILL go SOMEWHERE with SOMEBODY. Honestly, if you don't live life while you're in college, when are you going to live it?
I want to become actively and regularly involved at Northstar. This isn't something new; I've been wanting to. So far though, my schedule's been a little bossy and just going to church is about all I've managed. I would like for that to change.
I would like to set a 5-year plan for myself. Now, I'm giving myself a whole year to come up with a loose plan for the next 5 years of my life. Or at least establish where I'd like to be in 5 years. I think that's pretty darn lenient, myself. So I better get it done.
Last but not least: (well, maybe least. This one's really not all that important. lol): by the end of 2010, I would like to be able to get a puppy :) I would like for my schedule and budget to be such that I can comfortably have a puppy. Yup :)
So there's my list, for now. I'd be happy to take comments and suggestions,if you have any!