sitting on the water's edge, watching
as the sky turns to soft rose
and sets itself ablaze
and the wind blows straight through me
my hair, my clothes, the spaces between my toes
the crashing of the waves drowns everything out.
the city is behind me
and for this moment
all i have to see is water, and sky
the sun and the wind battle for me
the wind keeps me cold and restless
the sun keeps me burning
where is the adventure to my fairytale?
how did i get the ending without the story
there is the destination, but where is the journey?
I've been here before
and ran away then
do i run away now?
am i the wave that crashes and recedes
changing, bubbling
splashing innocent bystanders
Or am i the rocks on the shore
constant in spite of the weather
watching in stillness as life happens around me
i am neither
i am the girl sitting above them both
losing herself amidst them both
shivering into the sunglow on her face
i am the girl whose hair flies with the sea breeze
who writes songs to sing to the tides
and at the end of the day returns to her life
no escape is forever
every sunset fades to dusk
every golden glow fades to a pale silver
and every girl who watches must still live her life
but there is always another water's edge
another sunset to warm her feet
and breeze to steal away her thoughts
before the world comes unbound.
Prepping to be Primed
15 hours ago
1 comment:
i commented, just not on here... i'd rather "conversate" what i think of it
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