so tiffanie and i are starting a new workout schedule. mon/wed/fri/sat, one hour a day, four days a week. this way she'll look hott for akon and i'll look hott for don juan in chicago auditions :p
but yeah. working out with someone else usually works out better. for one, you have to plan to do it ahead of time, make time for it and purpose to stick to the workout. then there's the accountability. if i just take the day off, tiffanie will know and give me crap about it
and i always go harder on myself when someone else is there. it's a competitive thing, i think. i'll be there to push her harder, and she'll be there to push me harder.. sortof :p
this saturday is valetines day :D
excitement anyone??
oh yeah. and i'm putting another piercing in my right ear. this one's gonna be pretty cool. i was going to have it done yesterday, but just as i was about to have sarah do it my mom was like "oh you should have told me, i would have brought you some local anesthetic" ehh?? so i put it off until tomorrow. honestly, what's another couple of days when i have the option of having abolutely no feeling in my ear while a 22g hole is punched through it? mostlyi'm just being a baby because the last piercing i got was in a very sensitive spot and it hurt rather bad. this piercing i doubt will be nearly as sensititive but it is in a somewhat unusual part of the cartilage, so it can't hurt to be cautious. lol
Prepping to be Primed
14 hours ago
im excited about valentines day!!
I remember your piercings. I had the uncanny habit of touching your ears when I'd hug you, or do anything near you.
Thanks for the input. Sniping younger ones would be a great activity for seniors.
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