there's so much happening with me right now... i guess i'll just start delving as things come to me
well, collin and i are taking a break. things have not been going so very well lately, and neither of us knows how to solve it. there are some things that he needs in a wife that he doesnt see in me right now, and there are some things that i need in a husband that i don't see in him. only God can grow these things in us, and there's no point in trying to change ourselves or eachother, so i'm not going to. If God has destined us to be together then we will be, i have no doubt. but the simple fact that i find myself using the word "if" is reason enough for me to call a whoa nelly and take a step back for a little while.
i think it'll be good for both of us. we're in two different places living two different lives right now and we both of us have plenty on our plates to focus on.
speaking of a plate filled to thanksgiving dinner proportions, i have just officially agreed to work crew on Collin County's upcoming production of "Big River". i'm so excited!! i've never worked crew before ^_^ so basically all of my evenings will now be occupied with rehearsals. add that to my work schedule and classes and lab hours i'm already working and suppose i can get some homework, eating and sleeping done in between and we're looking at anywhere from 17 to 20 hour days for the next month. i'm so excited!!!! oh man but when spring break rolls around you better believe i'll be ready for it. but until then, i'm totally psyched. i can feel myself going into workaholic mode already. i'll have to be careful though, i think. i've discovered that i can pretty much go without eating much or go without sleeping much. neither is healthy but for an allotted time period i'm obliged to consider them acceptable sacrifices. i've found though, that going without a sufficient amount of at least one of these for any more than 48 hours simply does not work, and results in an uncomfortable perpetual nausea. no bueno. so i'll have to be careful about that.
the other thing i'll have to be careful about is not letting my Word time slip. this will be both easier and harder... easier because every hour of my day will probably have to be planned and scheduled if i'm going to get things done so i'll have to schedule Word time. harder because i already know i'll be sorely tempted to spend that time snoozing.
some guy just came in to roots and asked something about a discount for recycled cups or whatever... gah. at this time of day i'm awake purely out of habit. and when i'm in that state and you throw something at me that's out of the routine, you get a deer-in-headlights look. it just happens. don't break my zombie functionality if you want good coffee.
there's more but this is already long and i gotta get back to work. tala.
oh yeah! got my ear pierced ^_^ it looks really good but still pretty sore. i'm not worried though, we had to put two different sized needles through like 6 times to get the piercing right and abuse my ear even more to get the earring in properly. so it might take a little longer to heal than your average piercing. but i'm so excited! i want one, maybe two more piercings in my ears and then i'm done putting holes in them. probably. anyway, there's a pic up on my facebook in my mobile uploads album. check it out :D
Prepping to be Primed
2 hours ago