yeah... its been awhile. holidays, parties, and finals. what do you want from me? i'm taking a break from school work for a bit though... so i thought i'd better post before i just get so ridiculously behind that i can't even manage to get it all into a blog post. lol.
ok, so i totally spaced on the thanksgiving post. i think i'm gonna do it sometime that's not thanksgiving... it's healthier when it's not contrived.
it's officially Christmas season now, and i'm totally excited!! but before i get too carried away with that, i think i better tell you about my ridiculous weekend.
alright, let's start with wednesday, the official beginning of my thanksgiving weekend. i helped clean the house a bit, did absolutely no schoolwork, and then went to work. i worked for awhile, nothing really entertaining happened. UNTIL i was pleasantly surprised when none other than my superman (ok.. he doesnt exactly belong to me. i suppose as long as that's the case i'd better use his first name, huh?) so collin shows up unexpectedly, and we end up joining the old "gang" from paradigm for some good ol' timin' applebees. twas good times. it was really good to see everybody. then we stopped by andi's to hang out with my other "gang" from high school... more good times and memories were shared. once again, good to see everyone. i freaking love/miss/love andrea sanders. yeah. pretty much.
thursday was thanksgiving... mom cooked, cass and billy came over, we cleaned, sean and april (bro and sis-in-law)n and april's sister amber came down from tulsa, and much food and a good time was had by all. yay ^_^
i went to bed early that night, as i had to get up at THREE AM the next morning to be at work at 4 to open the coffee shop at 4:30 for Black Friday. which was, after all of that hullabaloo, a flop. nobody came. not one customer claimed their free shots. lol. so i left work early to come home and crash for an hour, then commence with "decorating" (we didnt really get much decorating done friday) tiffanie and collin came over and hung out, watched a movie, etc. etc. had some good time with the fam. i love my family.
saturday the real party preparations began... and let me tell you, by the time we were done with it the house looked great, inside and out. we almost exhausted ourselves (especially mom. that woman is a machine) by the time the party even started. so 7:00 rolls around and the early partiers start showing up.. mom and i go primp ourselves, and before you know it the house is crowded and the party is in motion. lol. most everybody said they liked the party.. in my opinion if you didnt have fun it's probably because you were too boring to go strike up a conversation with one of the 50 thousand people there (ok, there werent that many). lots of food was also available for stuffing one's face. thanks so much to everyone who came and those of you who didnt get to (you were missed!)
sunday we were all too pooped to do anything. cass and billy and sean and april and amber went home, and the rest of us were left as witnesses to the aftermath of the weekend. lol. needless to say, no cleaning was done. actually, not much of anything was really done.
monday was back to school and back to work, and just about time for stress over my stage lighting projectto kick in. i got a good portion of that done today though and at least know what i'm doing and am confident that i'll pass with a decent grade, so i'm feeling much better :) seriously though.. stressing out is exhausting and detrimental to the body. i most certainly do not recommend it.
the rest of the week passed in much the same fashion.. today was the last day of class for the semester and i have finals monady, tuesday and wednesday of next week. pray for me!
oh! and wednesday i took my mom to that concert for her birthday. it was a great show, but it deserves more detail than i can really go into right now, so i'll save that for another post.
...whew! goodnight!
Prepping to be Primed
14 hours ago
1 comment:
Your party was a blast. I got to hang out with people I don't get to hang out with much.
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