so i'm going to enjoy my cup of powder-mix chai, finish this blog, then i'm going to go spend some time with the Lord and we're gonna jam to some michael w. smith and talk about some stuff, and then i'm gonna go over my government stuff for my exam today at 4, finish my research paper final draft (mostly i'm reprinting the rough draft... go me) and my other little english "lab" assignments (i've got like 6 to go..) and look over the prompt for the final exam tonight at 7. i ought to do some studying for the physics exam tomorrow too, but only if there's extra time leftover. i still have to print some stuff out, select color samples, and draw up a magic sheet for my stage lighting project, also due tomorrow. so as you can see, i'm pretty much booked for the day. but after tomorrow, i'm home free!!
alright, the Michael W. Smith Christmas concert. it was awesome. i love Christmas music, i love MWS' work, so i knew going in it was a good review waiting to happen. i'd never seen him live before this... just heard his music and loved it, especially the compositions. you know what's wayy better than his compositions? his heart for worship. seriously, his heart and his realness are what impressed me the most. he plays in "professional" venues like the Meyerson, but no matter where he is or who his audience is, he's not ashamed and he does

i was a little saddened that i couldnt meet him after the show or get him to sign my purse, but thats how things work in a more "sophisticated" venue like the meyerson. i'll just have to go to another show ;)
alright alright.. i gave the promised mws details... now i have to get to work. yarr.
I love his music too. Our time will come.
Hey! ~ Bekah K-A-H. Collin suggested I check out your blog, so I am. And I invite you to check mine as well, although mine is less eventful than yours, more...I don't know...older people stuff, politics, church; (and I don't know how to add all the pics and music stuff. That is definitely something I must check into.) Anyway..I love the photos and bloginess of it all. see you, Rachel B.
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