i'm posting in this few spare minutes mostly just to remind myself that i still have a blog that i'm supposed to make some semblance of updating regularly.
i finished the twilight series since i last posted. it's actually quite goo, truth be told. i'm definitely not one of those squealing, die-hard, i-love-edward-cullen, obsessed teenage girl fans or anything, but it's a good series. and i do like edward. (yes i'm team edward. if anyone actually has a good argument for team jacob i'd like to hear it. lol)
in other news, i'm getting a guitar in the near future. a super-amazing friend of mine had an "extra" one that he never plays hangin around his parents house in michigan so he asked her to send it down and he's gonna give it to me!! awesome, no? (i <3 metzler) so yeah i'll get to be actually practicing and hopefully working a little more seriously on guitar. who knows, maybe i'll even learn to put some music to my lyrics :D
speaking of lyrics, i'm working on a new set right now, inspired by my logic/philosophy professor. my respect for philosophers diminishes with time... i do like aristotle though. he's the best so far.
thats all i have time for! i have to meet my physics "group" to do some hw before my next class....
still looking for a job, btw. please pray for the right job in the right place at the right time for me :D
Prepping to be Primed
15 hours ago
thanks for the mini-post, i enjoyed it
cant wait to hear you rockin it on the guitar
but it makes me wonder, what ever happened to piano/keyboard?
i dont really like keyboard >_<
it has its useful purposes but i dont enjo playing it as much as piano or guitar. and even piano i kinda have to make myself play.
The lady who came up with the Twilight series was on Oprah or Ellen Degenerez or some show my mom was watching. Apparently, the whole first book came to her in dreams? Weird.
1. I don't use any substances, except for this stuff called valarian root occasionally, but that's 'cause it doesn't really have an effect on me, and my dad insists that I take it when I can't sleep.
2. I have so many guys in the class that are just as serious about God as I that I don't really have to come up with anything too good. Discussions still get to be really enlightening.
3. Imagine if we were in a class together. We would have a blast.
4. That's always a hard question in my life. My closest friends tend to be girls, but I always felt that that doesn't count, so I would ask God for guy best friends. I have a really good friend, Jake Davis, whose parents lead worship at Lakepoint, and he's definitely a top one. The only problem is, I see him once a month at the most, usually less, and quality time is my main love language. Katie (the one who comments on a lot of my blogs) was my best friend this summer, but distance means less quality time, even though we talk all throughout the week.
So to answer your question, Jordan Wood has pretty much been my best friend since school started. We became accountability partners last spring. After school began, I started to speak his love language, which is touch, by exchanging punches and beatings throughout classes. No joke.
The best friend thing has always been an issue for me. Always.
Did that answer your question, or did it just elaborately confuse it?
I'm not crazy about herbal stuff. My problem is much more self-discipline than being able to get to sleep.
The teacher knows me really well, so whenever it's obvious that I was getting the class in an uproar, she assumes that it's me at my work.
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