i love this weather
its cool (finally), and windy... it rains now and then....
it feels like fall. i love it :D
so last weekend was labor day weekend, which meant no school monday, which is always good.
cass and billy came into town for the weekend, so we hung out with them... my cousin josh, who is a stage manager also was in town with a friend of his, so they came over on saturday for the afternoon... good times. oh, and just for all of you who think that being an artist dooms you to forever be poor, josh just bought a 2008 saturn sky not long ago. (poor people don't buy those)
collin was in town for the weekend too, so we got to hang out quite a bit. it's always good to see him :D
sunday i went to the deep, finally.. its been several weeks since i've been able to go, due to various reasons, but this sunday i went with cass and collin, and tim meister spoke, and it was good. yup.
theres more interesting stuff for me to tell you but i dont feel like writing anymore so.... more later. yeah.
Prepping to be Primed
14 hours ago
amen on the weather bit
And weather craps up as soon as Labor Day weekend ends. What the blank?!?!
I felt the same way, but it was weird trying to talk him out of that way of thinking. He has been talking to his pastor about it. That sounds like a wise crappy Christian to me.
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