I'm just going to copy and paste an IM convo that Jacob and I had about politics. It's not much, and not that intense, don't worry. Just my opinion. I don't feel good about what the White House is pushing for right now. I'm sure he's got the best of intentions, but he needs to check himself.
ok here we go...
rebekah says:
shakes head
Jacob says:
why's that?
rebekah says:
i think Obama is getting a little too big for his britches
Jacob says:
sadly, i havent been keeping up with politics
rebekah says:
and biting off an awful lot to chew
i havent much either, just read an article or two on whats going on with the health reform bill
i must say, i disapprove.
Jacob says:
hey, good news out of LA. a federal court reversed itself on the Pledge of Allegiance, that it doesnt impead religious freedom in schools... Since 2002 most schools took out "Under God"
but they can put it back in now!
rebekah says:
probably because i went to school in texas, but i never realised it had been taken out. we always said it
Jacob says:
so what dont you like about the health care bill... i'll tell you one thing i dont... I aint paying for anyone's abortion!
rebekah says:
that's the main thing
Jacob says:
me too
rebekah says:
well i mean i disapprove of government healthcare in general, if not on principle then even based solely on the efficiency of everything else the government runs. (DPS anyone?)
Jacob says:
social security anyone?
rebekah says:
based on experience, processes that have to go through the government are at least twice as frustrating and time-consuming as private institutions, and the reason for that is that unlike the private sector, the government doesn't have to strive to always be improving, and there are too many people in the government bogging down updates, policy changes, and improvements
Jacob says:
true dat!
rebekah says:
I'm not comfortable with those characteristics being applied to health care, whether they can pay for it or not. I'm all about making sure that everyone can get the treatment they need to the best of our ability, but I'm not about being irresponsible about it.
i also think that social security has had a huge negative impact on our now-lower class. yes it helps them get by, but it tends to keep them at getting-by. What would happen if we applied that to medicine as well?
mostly i just think it's not the government's job. if the government wants to found organizations to finance medical treatment and promote awareness, that's fully within their rights a privileges. But taking over 1/3 of the American economy is not. Plainly speaking.
all that being said, my real problem with the news on this bill is that theyre pushing so hard to pass it with out any regard to legitimate concerns like the abortion provisions. They're rushing a decision when they should be concerned that such a substantial part of congress has serious misgivings.
you don't "do it now and fix it later"-- you do it right the first time. I don't know how or where the govt got the idea that it's ok to pass a sloppy and objectionable law with the promise or intention of "fixing it later" that's bull.
Jacob says:
thats politics dear!
look i dont think that health care should be completely on the shoulders of the government or the private sector... I think that with certain governmental mandations as to profit margins on the pharmecutical companies will make the overall price of healthcare go down and accessible to most people. Did you know that a viagra pill is about $2-$5/pill? It cost Phizer like $.27 to make it. thats like
1000% profit! which causes the doctors office to charge more, and the patient to pay more.
there is a medium with government having a small hand in it...
the government was set up to govern, not dictate.
rebekah says:
Jacob says:
there are issues here that are far beyond health care... its an overall mindset that needs to change... go back to what the nation was founded on and why we started the nation in the first place.
rebekah says:
spoken like a true republican
Jacob says:
i get it from my Paw Paw
i'm actually a leaning constitutionalist...
rebekah says:
personally I don't see anything wrong with that in the case of viagra. It's not an imperative treatment, it's not essential. No one's life or well-being is depending on it, so I don't see anything wrong with making a profit there
Jacob says:
agreed. just an example
but that goes for most pills...
rebekah says:
I mean it goes for my dermatology treatment too
Jacob says:
whats wrong is that the ones that are "life saving" are hiked up even more because there is more of a demand for them...
rebekah says:
at the same time, that's what insurance is for. And if you can't afford insurance, you probably shouldn't be spending money on spending more time gettin' it on
excuse my language >_<
Jacob says:
thats another issue altogether! we can get into that when we have more time......
rebekah says:
right. see, and THAT is what should be regulated by the government. Advise by unbiased medical professionals. in an ideal world that is
Jacob says:
i totally agree with that!
rebekah says:
right right
i gotta get back to work >_>
Prepping to be Primed
14 hours ago
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