Can I just say, getting a comment from Kelsey made my day :)
Okay so, a few days ago I was thinking and I decided, I want to do something special for Mark. You know, surprise him. I asked around for some original ideas but didn't come up with a whole lot. Everyone asked, "What's the occasion?" The occasion? Life, my friend. It's worth celebrating any old Tuesday. Also, love my friend. I disapprove of confining the opportunity of showing someone how much you care about them to holidays and/or "special occasions." So I wanted to do something special, that he wouldn't expect, just because. Because he's wonderful. ^_^
The idea I ended up with is half-recycled, half original, and half stolen. I got a bunch of balloons and some little knick-knacks and his favorite candy (Sweettarts. I know, I don't get it either :/) and a whole bunch of little notes. On each notes is something little that I love about him ^_^. Then each note and little knick-knack went inside of a balloon. For example, one said "There's nothing in this world that you can't be" and I put that inside of a balloon with a Wolverine figurine. There's about fifty of these, and I filled up his car with them as a surprise ^_^. ...At least I was going to. But it turns out his car is having issues and he's driving his mom's and I didn't want to do it to his mom's, so I snuck into his room instead and piled them all on his bed. Not quite as clever or impressive, but hey. It's the thought that counts, right? And anyway, it made him smile and that was the point. And apparently he went to work with a sugar rush this morning, and that makes me happy :p
So despite the rather large amount of crunching to pull this off spur-of-the-moment and too many minutes spent blowing up balloons in Walmart's parking lot and the rather imperfect presentation... I call this adventure a success. :)
Prepping to be Primed
21 hours ago
God made things at least feel better yesterday, even if, on the practical side, I've still got the crap happening. But hey, it's a work in progress (as usual).
I love surprising my friends with random stuff. But yours is a grand idea. Good work!
I am glad it made your day :)
And that is one of the cutest, sweetest things I have heard about in a long time.
You should never need an occasion to spontaneously surprise some one.
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