every time i try to post i end up going off on something i didnt mean to go off on
and then i erase the whole thing because i dont want to post my directionless thoughts
but by then i'm tired of typing and don't know where to start over
so i'm sorry, no actual post yet. hopefully soon.
update: i've been working full-time.. just got my hours adjusted so i'll be working a regular schedule which should make my life a bit easier
i've been trying not to stress about financial issues pertaining to university. it's hard.
i've been watching gilmore girls quite a bit... it's becoming an addiction again though, so either i learn to balance it or i quit again.
my boyfriend is wonderful... in case you didn't already know
i'm praying about a couple of different things.. sortof. more like i've mentioned them to God with the intention of setting aside time to actually pray it out and listen to what He has to say. i have no excuse for my procrastination.
my sister wants to take the dog when she moves out. i dont want her to. i'll miss my bear dog.
i cut my hair again, but just a trim. it looks shorter, though, and i can't wait for it to really grow out. no more cutting until at least the summer.
i'm so excited i get paid tomorrow and i get to give my tithe :D
that's enough update. goodnight guys.
Prepping to be Primed
13 hours ago
Post directionless thoughts. It's your blog.
yeah buti dont really like directionless thoughts, especially written out.
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