so today in my government class we had a guest speaker, a "child survivor" from the holocaust. she was a toddler in occupied france in the 1940's... her entire village basically hid her family from the nazis, a sort of silent resistance
the whole story is amazing, all of the little things along the way that saved her and her family's lives. every time i hear or learn about the holocaust, especially meeting an actual survivor of the holocaust (i'd never met one before), i feel so small. like, this was such a huge monstrosity basically, it's overwhelming to think about, and i cant even fully grasp it. i can't imagine so much hatred and crue

lty. it's so far away, so very removed from myself... it makes my life look like 100% sunshine and rainbows. and in comparison, it is. people like those villagers that saved this family's lives.. they were faced in life with a crossroads, and they didnt have a choice but to make a difference one way or another. they could preserve themselves and cooperate with the nazis and hope for favor, or they could do the right thing and save a life, and countless other lives by posterity, and pray for grace. how many of us sheltered americans have nothing to face but the decision of what we want? granted, if you're serving God and you're in His will then you know that you have a purpose, and that's the only thing that keeps me from feeling like my life as it is is pointless.
anyway... i wont go on and on about it.. it never fails to get me thinking, though. the real heroes of the holocaust, who saved lives and risked their own resisting the nazis, they didnt think they were heroes. they didnt think they were being valiant or praiseworthy.. they did what was right. they did what any decent person should. and they were scared just like anybody else...
i hope that if the opportunity were ever to present itself in my life, i could so easily set myself aside and do the right and decent thing. in fact, i hope i do every day of my life.
God made sure that you were born in this generation, for this specific time, for a reason. No need to feel small. Many heroes have downtime before their character shows.
it's so weird that the "normal, natural" thing is to lose perspective by focusing on the tiny world around us. while all of history and most of the contemporary world are totally different from our sheltered little american dream.
how much better would we live if, for a randomly selected five minutes of every day, we were transported to a nazi concentration camp or nairobi ghetto or congolese refugee camp or a chinese orphanage? without a doubt we'd choose our interests and spend our time and money more wisely.
and, you are fairly small, btw ;)
touche marty, touche.
I dunno Mr. Nickel, I'm pretty determined to live foolishly.
I'm waiting for the lessons God teaches me to be funny again.
for me, a lot of them are funny. i just have to laugh at myself
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