So i went to paradigm last night, to hear pastor chris speak. man....
worship was so amazing.. it was so sweet and the presence of God was all over...
ever since the SW believers convention, it's like i've been at least 5x more sensitive to the spirit of God. i hear His voice more clearly, i follow His leading more easily, and i've felt His presence more literally than ever. like a thickness in the air, or just.. idk i cant think of any better word than just presence, all over me. i love it. it's a closeness and a fellowship that i've never had before... and it's also been so challenging and so so humbling.
now, i mention the sw believers convention.. i'm not trying to pump up the conference or anything like that. it was definitely a powerful experience and God moved and worked big time at this conference, but it wasnt about the conference itself. it could have been any other gathering of strong believers annointed to teach and receive and willing to be obedient to the Lord. no, it wasnt the convention itself, and i definitely want to reiterate that. there will be no idolizing of people or events. but that was the time and the place where God did a huge work in me, and empowered me, and basically changed my life forever. wooo!
so last night, pastor chris was talking about submiting, about saying yes to God. i think his message was more broadly aimed at those who werent submiting to God's call on their life, or werent doing what they knew they should be doing. Praise the Lord i've made the commitment to follow God with everything i've got and ill never look back so i'm not really in either of those categories. as he was giving the alter call though, i was praying God, if there's anything in my life that i havent submitted to you, please show me. and you know what He showed me? the several times in the past several days that He's nudged me to go spend some extra time in the Word. and most of these times i shrugged it off like a chore that i didnt want to do with a "i'll get to it later" because i didnt feel like it just at that moment (even though truthfully, i had nothing better to do). and so i recognized that that was not submitting, so i repented. as soon as i repented, God said "you know, i don't ask you to do things just to assign you extra chores. I want you in the Word so the I can speak to you." i was like, "oh. ok... that makes sense." lol
i kinda felt a bit like a little kid.. but hey isn't that the point? lol.
today's verse is actually a quote
"Never get too used to God. When we get used to God we start to put Him in a box"
-Pastor Chris Frith
(i hope that's a direct quote... if it's not it's at least the right idea. yeah)
1 comment:
I really, really loved his message. I laughed so hard the whole time. Saying that the SW convention was great is like saying that YFN was great. God has blessed these things with His presence because of the prayer and hard work that goes into inviting God in. God had just dealt with me the past few days about submitting, so I was one step ahead.
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