so i'm back in my parents house for the time being. i need to be working and making as much money as possible this summer, but finding a job is proving to be slightly more difficult here then in west texas.
I know why i came here.... i followed my heart, just like i've been doing... its time to prepare for the next chapter of my life, making decisions for the better in my life-- some things that feel like sacrifice now for the sake of the bigger picture, so to speak. And now, just like before, i know that God has led me here, and He has yet to leave me hanging so i'm certainly not worried. This job hunting business is getting a little annoying though, truth be told.
another thing that's kindof been in development... even though i came home 100% out of obedience and really for my sake, it was also partially for someone else. i mean this wasnt the reason for me coming home at this time or even a deciding factor, but at the same time i knew that part of me moving ahead with my future and preparing for the next part of my life would include moving ahead with and developing a specific relationship that's a really big part of my life. ok, i know how that sounds. in all honesty and non-mushiness though, it's not just some guy... it's the guy. it's kindof hard to explain or talk about without it sounding like a cliche "i think he's the one" some silly high school couple that follows eachother to a college only one of them really likes or somthing like that. trust me, its nothing like that. certainly there are feelings involved. but, from the rational side, it makes sense that God would include in His timing a time to move forward in relationships as well as professional pursuits. i guess i am kindof using the term "moving forward" loosely though. not a whole lot of outward movement has been made... more like just revelation about the relationship and the future as we both seek God. which is exactly the way it shuold be. this past year has been really trying in regards to this relationship, and i thank God constantly that He is so faithful and has helped us to be faithful. it's a good feeling to know you're exactly where you need to be, headed exactly where you need to be going, and having at least a broad view of where you'll end up, or who you'll end up being there with. i'm just ridiculously thankful that i get to share it with my bff. ok. enough of that. returning from bunny trail...
so with all this time i've had lately in-between job applications and whatnot, i guess i've had alot of time to think. that is, when i haven't been hanging out with friends or studying or being lazy etc. etc. the question i've bumped into a few times is, what's up next, God? i know alot of what to expect in the fall, next year, even some options after i graduate. but what about right now? what am i supposed to be doing right now? right now all i have to be doing is kindof biding my time... resting, relaxing a little, studying and building myself up spiritually, and God willing soon i'll be working a job, saving up monye. i guess i can survive doing just that for a couple of months. its only a couple of months, right?
sigh. how many times will i have to learn patience before i actually understand it? one HUGE thing that i've learned over the past year is that God's timing is perfect, and trying to rush or put things off inevitably turns out completely futile. so... yeah. things'll happen when they happen. in the meantime i'll try not to get restless or impatient...but if i do, don't be too terribly surprised. :p
Prepping to be Primed
15 hours ago
Bekah, I know God has some really awesome things in store for you in the coming years. Continue to trust Him and follow His will. We miss you so much!
his timing IS perfect (and frequently doesn't agree well with our sense of when things should happen!)
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