so it's been awhile. this is becoming a bad habit, most of my entries seem to begin thusly. well, what are you gonna do? life only goes so slow, and my organization skills have been lacking of late.
so, as you know, this past semester has been crazy. I always felt like I was half a step behind, and i was most of the time. well semester's over I'm done with all of my gen ed's (except 1 lit class and foreign language, bleh), and miracle of miracles-- I landed A's in all of my classes and 2 awards from the shows I did in Collin Theatre. I got to present an award too ^_^. I've learned so much and I'm in the best place I could conceivably be in to continue learning and working in the industry. I've got a gig lined up this summer doing tech (which I will expound upon momentarily) and a couple of auditions coming up as well... I'm hoping top be back ON-stage as well as back-stage pretty soon. I'm in such a good place right now... God is so good.
anyway. now it's summertime, and what are my plans? pretty darn flexible for the most party :D
this week and next week I'm considering vacation time. I'm working at Roots and hanging out with friends and hangin out at home and that's about it. and man.. it's nice. sleeping in, actually seeing people and being able to hang out until whenever, having time to do little things, crafts, things around the house, surf youtube... things i just haven't had time for in forever.. it's nice. Then, come June, i'm doing an internship at Dallas Yound Artists.. Assistant Stage Managing for their production of The King And I, working with Mark Mullino, Vonda Bowling, Cory Boulieris, and a number of other talented connected people in the industry, and learning. ALOT. I'm so psyched ^_^ ... It's mon-fri, 8-5... like a real job. lol. In the meantime I'll be working nights and weekends at Roots, and going to Northstar consistently (which I'm EXTRA excited about) and whatever else fits in-between. maybe do some yoga like I've been wanting to :D
then the weekend of June 12-14 I'm going down to west TX with John Swinney. I'll leave on friday afternoon, get there friday night, hang out with some old buddies, etc. etc. Sat morning i'm gonna get up early and head over to Rocksprings to see my beau ^_^.. spend the afternoon with him and then head back to midland after dinner, more hanging out, then go to cornerstone that sunday morning, more hanging out, and then head on back to Dallas! Oh and I'm getting photos done somewhere in there with Kayla... I need to get some headshots done for my resume and she is very very graciously helping me out at a very loving price :) gotta figure out where we're fitting that in though... :/
then auditions for CLUE are at the end of June... which means hopefully I'll have rehearsals to go to starting in July! :D
so, a pleasantly busy but not overwhelming summer. Does it get any better than that?
I'll try to update again soon so I can post more than just a scheduling update. Thats another great thing about not being constantly overbooked, overworked, and sleepdeprived: time to daydream. When i'm burnt out, even when i have downtime i'm not there.. i'm spacey, my mind goes blank. When i'm feeling good, and i'm rested and energized and in a good place spiritually, physically, and mentally, I daydream-- i think about things. I have real thoughts, ideas, inspirations... it's great. alright. done for now. thanks for reading :)
Prepping to be Primed
2 hours ago