Monday, March 30, 2009

the impending birth of who i was born to become

so last night at the deep we had a "spoken" night. i kinda felt like i didnt have the right to share, or speak, or whatever. i mean i hadnt been there in about a month, and i hadnt exactly been on my knees seeking God's face every day for that month. i should have been. but ANYway. idk, God had shown me a couple of things during worship that i felt i might as well share as not, so i just kindof shared a couple of things along with where i was at and yada yada. in my usual rambling fashion. i'm acquiring a bit of a distaste for said rambling fashion.

my hair looks realy good today :) except for that icky blue-green that's still there :/
my ear is quite swollen. not infected though, i hope. i'm going to clean it today and hopefully relieve some of the pressure that's restricting the earring.

my dad's giving the scene shop a planer. they dont have one. cool ^_^

eh. can't really think of anything else to update at the moment. peace.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

this post is mostly in reply to london, but it started to get pretty extensive so i decided to just put it in a post.

ok, so pretty much expounding on the few "things" that i mentioned vaguely in a previous post:

my facebook status says i'm "in a relationship". that was one of the vague things i referenced in a previous post. anyway, i'm dating a guy that i met working on big river (he was in the cast). it's not like casual, but it's not necessarily "serious" either. i put in a relationship because we're both seeing just eachother right now, to see if the mutual interest between us might lead to a deeper relationship, or if we'll be better as friends. so we're dating. not courting, just dating.

my plan for the next few years isnt completely set, but i'll be doing mostly school and theatre stuff. hopefully alot more theatre stuff. i'd like to get involved in ministry again too.. a friend asked me if i'd be interested in helping lead worship at a church out towards fort worth. despite the drive, i'm really really interested and hope that works out and i can start doing that. i'm going to check out northstar next week and i have a feeling that might be the right place to get planted. if that's the case it'll be more likely that i'll be getting an apartment out in that direction. i'm in the plano-dallas area nearly every day or night as it is, and the drive is a tough one. it's a tough call though whether it'll be better for me to get an apartment and take on the bills and slow down my savings and be in the middle of everything or to just suck it up and drive an hour and keep the job i have now. i've been meaning to get my parents' advisement on the situation but havent really had the opportunity (no time, with all this driving :p) so i'll have to get back to you on that. alot depends on them as well, if they'll be willing to continue paying for my school and car if i move out. if not, then it's really not a possibility.
as for school, that's the most structured part of my plan right now. I'm going to get an associates in theatre at collin county, take advantage of every opportunity there that i possibly can, and then finish a bachelors in business at UNT. so that's looking at 4 or 5 years to get to the end of those two degrees. more than i would like, but then again most 18-year-olds find themselves looking at 4 or 5 years to go for just a BA so i think i could do worse. and i can then take those couple of years i'm at UNT taking business classes and be involved at the theatre at the same time, so i still get to experience that as well even though i wont persay be studying theatre there, most likely. these plans are subject to change and absolutely i intend to follow the Lord whole-heartedly if He tells me in the middle of next year to pick up and move myself to Nebraska, but that doesn't seem likely so for now, this is the plan.

Mama's party is a little event that alot of people on the musical theatre scene tend to get involved in... it's basically monday nights Amy Stevenson (Mama) hosts entertainment at a little joint in Dallas called Bill's Hideaway. there are usually 3-5 performers featured in a night. she loves to find fresh talent so it's a good place for a new singer/performer to get his or her foot in the door and like i said alot of people on the musical theatre people are there so it's a good place to meet some cool people. most people that come already have some kind of connection that got them there (like me, i went because jon invited me to come watch him sing).. or theyre gay...

any further questions?


Saturday, March 28, 2009

blame it on this southern weather

texas is freaking bipolar. seriously. it was in the upper 70's the week. and now? guess the weather now. yeah, it's freaking SNOWING. that's right. the only thing keeping us from a blinking blizzard is lack of sufficient precipitation. yeesh.

so yeah. i'm cold. the insulation at my work sucks. so i pinched a roots hoodie from my boss... but not to worry, i'll put it back. and none the worse for wear, promise promise. so shh, don't tell ;)

so may 4 i'll be making a guest appearance at Mama's Party. don't know what that is? look it up on facebook. the facebook group explains the concept pretty well. anyway, may 4 jon christie is booked as one of the featured artists, and he asked me to do a duet with him. so we're doing I'll Never Tell from Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling. don't know it? youtube it. it's adorable. we practiced yesterday, and i'm pretty excited. it's gonna be so cute. it's really like the perfect song for his voice and mine, and i think we pull off the characters pretty well too ^_^

in other news, a guy i know from Big River suggested i inquire about a paid internship at a summer camp with the director and musical director of Big River. intriguing, at the least. It Dallas Young Artists or something like that.. i think i'm going to try to interview for Assistant Stage Manager. my tech experience is pretty limited, but it can't hurt to try, right? it sounds like a blast and it would look good on my resume... so yeah... i'm a-prayin about that. pray for me!

i'm looking at quotes from Sir Winston Churchill.... he said some good stuff. here's a few, because i feel like sharing them:

"From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put." [haha.]

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."[no idea who he was talking about here, but i really lkike this statement.]

"I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." [me too!]

"Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught." [ain't that the truth]

"It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time." [a wise ascertainment]

"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." [i would endeavor to live by this advice]

yup. (i said that. not winston churchill)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

been a little while...
man, so much has happened, alot has changed.. big things and small things, both. i don't know where to start.
Big River was a.mazing. i loved it. the show, the people, the experience... it was awesome. and, as predicted, i didnt sleep for pretty much the past month. i'm starting to get caught up though and develop some sort of regular sleeping pattern again :)

met alot of new people, made alot of new friends... made some pretty crucial decisions, got a couple still pending. i know, could i be any more vague? but guess what it's my blog so i can be vague if i want to! hah! :p

it's getting cold outside again... it was really nice for a while there, but now it's going back down to like 30 this weekend. gah.. ridiculous.

so there's this church in frisco, called Northstar Church. Blaine Bartel pastors it, and i mean i've known about it pretty much since it got started, but never really considered it a viable possibility as a home church because it's in frisco. but, now that i drive to plano pretty much every day anyway, frisco doesn't really seem like THAT big of a deal. lol. so i think i'm gonna go check it out. i'm off work next sunday, seems as good a time as any. all i know is i need me a strong foundation to plant myself and get a-growin', and there isn't really a church around here that fits. and i'm looking into moving closer to plano anyway, so i think this is a good thing for me to at least look into. anybody interested in tagging?

i want to start writing again. lyrics, poems, thoughts, scripts, videos.. something.
