good morning america, i know how you feel!
that happened to me this morning. my alarm went off and i had had dream after dream back-to-back about apparently nothing worth remembering and then i woke up thinking "7:00 already?? what the crap, did i even sleep??"
yeah. i'm foreseeing a nap in the near future. yeah.
alright. i guess i ought to leave you with at least a little bit of a deeper thought for the day. so i found the most beautiful name and fully intend to use it, maybe when i have a daughter? well.... idk. i used to say i'm never having kids but have since come to admit that i'm obviously having kids eventually.. so i was like ... ok, ONE kid. but now, i think i have to have at least 2 because i have names for 2 girls! and i'd like to have a boy too.... oh goodness ok before i get carried away..
so the name for my first girl i want to be Bryna Jedidah. both are hebrew... Bryna means strength and Jedidah means beloved. but the other day, i latched onto the most gorgeous name for a girl! it's Charis.
Charis is the greek word for grace, but really it means so much more than that. i had looked it up in my study time while studying a passage dealing with God's grace, and the translation of the word is:
- graciousness of manner
- divine influence upon the heart & its reflection upon the life
- acceptable, benefit, favor, gift, grace, joy, liberality (liberation), thanks, or thanks-worthy.
seriously... amazing much? i'm in love with this name. i think the "a" is supposed to be more of a soft "o" sound, like in "drama" ... but i like it better long, like in Karen. so the name will be "Kar-riss". Charis.